Filing your tax return can sometimes feel like you need to understand another language.   As an expat this feeling can be doubled as the stress of moving to a new country and not completely understanding the local tax system, or indeed the language it is written in, is added.  On top of this, your taxes may be more complicated with houses or investments kept in your home country.  Relax, we can help!

Whether you are an employee, self-employed or running a B.V. we can help file your Dutch income tax returns.

What can we offer?

  • A clear explanation of your tax position in English.
  • Competitive rates and no hidden fees. Initial consultation and answering questions on your return are free of charge.
  • Draft returns can be sent to you in English
  • International perspective, with experience of relevant tax conventions that are in place to avoid double taxation.
  • Your UK or US taxes can be also be filed with us, avoiding cost and complexity of using different tax advisors.